Get to know us.
We are governed by a Board of Directors, who come from a range of different backgrounds, specialisms and experiences. The Board are supported and informed by Governance and Finance Committees. Our Head Office team are based in Dún Laoghaire in Co. Dublin. This is where our CEO, Chief Operations Officer, Finance, Communications, Fundraising, Mental Health Promotion, Education, Training, & e-Mental Health, Human Resources, and Administration team members are based.
We have 10 Development Officers across the country who link with our network of Mental Health Associations, volunteers and community groups, promoting mental health and supporting recovery in their communities. Mental Health Ireland are now also the employer of people working in recovery education and peer led community services across the country. The team members work in a variety of different settings including Recovery Education Services, Mental Health Services, Involvement Centres and Peer Led community services.

What we do
- We build mental health awareness and understanding through campaigns, training programmes, events, conferences, resources and information.
- We provide opportunities for capacity building in mental health promotion and recovery through our Tony Leahy Third Level Scholarship Programme.
- We are the leading employer of Recovery Education staff in Ireland through our partnership with the HSE.
- We contribute to the evidence base on recovery and mental health promotion by leading on and commissioning research.
- We partner with Mental Health Associations, fellow NGOs, Community Organisations, Workplaces, National and International Mental Health Organisations, and experts by experience and profession to share ideas and coproduce change making initiatives.

Mental Health Ireland looks forward to the future with confidence. As a national voluntary organisation our role is to listen and respond to people within local communities and to fashion solutions that best fit these needs.
The coproduction of this document with our team, volunteers, community and National partners was invaluable to understanding these needs. As we move forward, it is this understanding and our continued partnerships and relationships that will allow us to act and respond to these needs.